Google search update Impact Tracker

Discover the effects of Google search algorithm updates on your website’s organic traffic

What it is

Google search update Impact Tracker helps you track and analyze the impact of Google search algorithm updates on your website’s traffic and rankings.

Get a straightforward, free overview of your current organic traffic from Google without complicated spreadsheets or data diving.

How to benefit

Determine if and how much an update has affected your site

The effects of Google algorithm updates can vary, impacting your entire site, specific sections, or individual pages.

Compare key site metrics before and after the update

Assess the impact of updates with visualizations of changes in clicks, impressions, and top-ranking pages.

Identify where visibility and traffic were affected most

Reports highlight queries and pages with the most significant traffic changes first.

Estimate the work and time required

Our tool helps you understand how many pages and queries need attention to maximize recovery efforts.

Monitor daily changes in the number of entry points to your site

A summary of clicked pages helps you identify the update’s impact on your site’s visibility and ranking positions.

Find out how the March 2024 core update affected your site

How it works

Define the period and collect data

For accurate impact assessment, data from Google Search Console is selected for 12 weeks before the update. If the update is complete, the report includes data for the entire update period plus 12 weeks after completion.

Prepare a summary and segment data

Analyze traffic changes before and after the update. See the number of clicks, impressions, and top-ranking pages. Breakdown traffic data by device and country, and group by position (TOP-3, TOP-5, TOP-10).

Analyze data by pages and queries

Check what happened to previously stable pages after the update (pages with non-zero traffic at least half of the days before the update) and generate a Page Analysis report with average daily values.

Pages are categorized as stable (no significant traffic change), up (traffic increased), or down (traffic decreased).

A similar report is generated for previously stable queries — Query Analysis.

Check Entry Point Dynamics

For each day before and after the update, we determine the number of pages that were clicked. This data is available in the Site Entry Points by Pages report.

Result: Gain precise insights into how the update has affected your site’s traffic and visibility on Google.

Do I need Google search update Impact Tracker if…

  • …after the Google search update traffic decreased across many pages?

  • …after the Google search update traffic decreased on a few key pages?

  • …after the Google search update traffic remained unchanged?

  • …after the Google search update traffic increased?

Frequently Asked Questions about Google search update Impact Tracker

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