Buddler can help you with:

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Collecting traffic that is right under your nose

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Recovering the traffic you previously had
but may have lost

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Identifying growth opportunities that
generate the highest results at the lowest cost

How It Works

Using data from Google Search Console, we get right to the heart of your SEO challenges.

Our algorithms, refined through years of SEO expertise, uncovering hidden opportunities and delivering clear insights to prevent traffic loss.

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Our Core Principles

We don’t drown you in endless technical metrics

Buddler stands apart from traditional technical audits by focusing on what truly matters for SEO health. While others overwhelm with metrics like description length, XML sitemaps, 404 errors, and layout issues, which often don’t significantly boost website quality, Buddler keeps it simple yet powerful.

Only practical 
recommendations tailored for your website

Traditional audits overwhelm with extensive data, leaving you to figure out what to do with it. Our approach is different. We provide personalized recommendations based on practical insights, saving you time and effort.

Maximizing Results 
with Minimal Effort

At Buddler, we follow the Pareto principle, delivering actionable reports packed with SEO metrics and data that truly matter. By pinpointing the vital 20% of recommendations that drive 80% of the results, providing you with real SEO outcomes that far outweigh the effort invested.


Buddler vs. Google Search Console

GSC Performance reportBuddler
Number of rawsup to 1000unlimited
paid version
Data storage
16 monthsunlimited
even if the data has been deleted from GSC, it is stored
in Buddler’s database and used for reports
Reportsall data and metricsonly essential and filtered data
indicating areas in need of improvement
Data Sourceonly GSCa comparison of data from GSC
and other sources

Pick the low-hanging fruits with our reports


Traffic Attrition Reports

  • High-volume declined keywords

    Identify queries experiencing a decline in search rankings and implement strategies to regain visibility.

  • Lost Keywords

    See which queries lost traffic, a crucial opportunity to regain lost visitors due to minor technical issues.

  • Unstable keywords

    Monitor queries that change often in ranking and adjust your SEO strategy to maintain stable positions.

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Easy to Rank Keywords Report

  1. Identify queries with poor optimization

  2. Optimize content with relevant keywords

  3. Enhance meta tags and headings

  4. Enjoy the growth!

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SEO CTR Benchmarks Reports

  • CTR Drop Impact

    Identifies queries with a noticeable drop in CTR with a small change in position and calculates traffic lost due to the CTR drop.

  • Below-Benchmark CTR

    Flags queries with unusually low CTR compared to the average CTR of most other queries on your site at the same position.

  • Above-Benchmark CTR on Lower Positions

    Identifies queries whose CTR is significantly higher than the average CTR of most other queries on your site at the same position.

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Ready to get started?

Dive into the world of practical insights, undiscovered opportunities, and growth